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Mary generously gave a vial of perfume worth 300 Denarii (about a year’s wages) as an offering to Jesus.  In the next breath, Judas sold him out for the redemption price of a slave.  (See Matthew 26:6-16)

I marvel at Mary’s gift.  I think of how hard I often clutch the things I think I own (forgetful that God owns everything, including me).  And when I do finally unfurl my clutched fingers, it is with trepidation that I offer up the gift.  But Mary walks boldly, humbly into a gathering of people and begins pouring what was probably the most precious thing she owned (likely her own dowry), all over His’ royal head which would soon enough bear a crown of thorns.  And Jesus praises her for it.

The only way anyone would have confidently given such a gift is if they understood the worth of the One they were giving it to.  Her gift spills over through the ages, and the fragrance of it reminds me that any sacrifices I make for God are being given to the One whose worth far outweighs all the riches and wonders and blessings in this entire world!  He is worthy!  And it makes me want to be as generous as Mary.  Because the counterbalancing weight to all those blessings I clutch too dearly is the far-exceeding weight of Glory!

Judas, on the other hand, didn’t understand a thing about the worth of Jesus.  He was solely focused on winning in this world.  He wanted to pilfer the money box, kick the Roman’s butts with the power that could heal lepers, and see miracles.  It seems he was, frankly, just tired of waiting for Jesus to make His’ move.  He was angry that Mary’s gift had received praise, while Judas had been mildly rebuked for his greed.

So he sold Jesus.  For the same price Moses prescribed as restitution to a slave owner if their slave was accidentally killed- 30 pieces of silver (Exodus 21:32).  Seriously?!?!?

Judas had no clue that, in his midst, sat the King and Creator of the Universe!  He had no clue that the money he wanted to pilfer out of the box was nothing compared to the worth of the Kingdom Jesus ruled over.  That even the ground beneath His feet was an invention of the One who sat before him, eating with him, teaching him.

So, I ask myself and you… What’s He worth to you?  300 Denarii or 30 pieces of silver?  Is He the King of kings whose throne endures forever, who owns the very breath in our lungs?  Or just a trinket to be used to get what you want from a kingdom that will someday be demolished?  Because the answer to this question matters more than you can fathom.

Space 10/15/24


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