by Space Welch | Feb 25, 2021 | Intimacy with Christ, Miscellaneous Musings, Redemption and Grace
Sitting in a rocker in the sunniest corner of my room, I just read Daniel 4. It reminded me of myself… and Job… and America. But I better begin with Nebuchadnezzar, the main (human) character in Daniel 4. Nebuchadnezzar was king over Babylon at the time....
by Space Welch | Feb 19, 2021 | Celebration and Wonder
For some bizarre reason, I was thinking about senses. Realizing (and lamenting) how much we take them for granted, when they were invented to stir our hearts and minds to worship and wonder. Oh, the feeling of a gentle breeze kissing the skin, or the tenderness of a...
by Space Welch | Feb 6, 2021 | Intimacy with Christ, Redemption and Grace, Uncategorized
I sat on a friend’s couch, listening to her share about her week. We’ll call her Jane (get it, like Jane Doe). She is a woman overcoming a life of the slavery of pleasing others. I say it like this because it really is bondage when our lives are plagued...
by Space Welch | Feb 5, 2021 | Miscellaneous Musings
A friend was just beginning to vent about a situation in her life, that I knew she had to get off her chest. She had invisible steam pouring out of her ears, and her brow was furrowed. “I know it’s because they think…” “Wait!” I...
by Space Welch | Jan 31, 2021 | Intimacy with Christ, Redemption and Grace
Chuckling, I thanked my husband for pouring the water into the French Press, after I had accomplished all the other steps leading up to it. Making coffee in a French Press happens in stages. I told him if I was ever a widow, I’d be so grieved to have to make...