by Space Welch | May 29, 2020 | Uncategorized
I am trying to read my Bible. I really am. But my brain won’t sit still. It keeps running to the violence, the irony, the anguish of a black man, who loved the Lord, was known for being kind and helpful, and whose family now has to plan an unmerited funeral. And...
by Space Welch | May 20, 2020 | Uncategorized
If you are not a Christian, don’t bother reading this. It won’t make any sense to you. If you are a Christian, I pray it makes more sense than anything you’ve seen on the news. We are walking out some extremely dark times in our history, and I am not...
by Space Welch | May 15, 2020 | Uncategorized
I went into town yesterday. I delivered my fanciful handmade soaps to Seaman’s Market, drove through the drive-through at the bank, and then pulled over into an empty parking spot uptown, to choke back tears and call an understanding friend. I looked at the...
by Space Welch | May 6, 2020 | Uncategorized
There are two terms I am learning to despise. “The new normal” and “back to normal”. Personally, I’d love to see these eradicated from our global vocabulary. I’d love to see us redefine “normal” with what is glorious....
by Space Welch | Apr 23, 2020 | Uncategorized
For as weighty and voluptuous of a moment in history as this is, it seems like an appropriate time to be reading the book of Acts. When the book begins, the disciples had just seen the glory of God manifest in a once-and-for-all, sin-obliterating sacrifice, a...
by Space Welch | Apr 20, 2020 | Uncategorized
I put my ear to the earth and hear an undercurrent of grumbling spreading like gangrene across my town. Maybe the globe, I don’t know. And, personally, I have had quite enough, for one lifetime and even one day, of folks judging motives without asking. I have...