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The Quarantine Diaries: Reversing Eden

Keeping company with the book of Matthew, I read through Jesus’ string of parables (in chapter 13).  I landed on the last one, the one about the dragnet bringing in good and bad fish, at the end of the age, and sorting out the bad fish (the ones that represent...

The Quarantine Diaries: The Darkest of Saturdays

The whole world must’ve taken an exhale.  One, long, quiet exhale.  Then forgot to take the breath back in the lungs.  Silence rolled over the land.  Even the Bible is remarkably silent.  I cannot help but notice the significance of the entire world, in our own...

The Quarantine Diaries: Smiles’ Dream

My husband had a bizarre dream about 3-ish days before the whole world turned topsy-turvy.  He woke up in the middle of the night, and for this peri-menopausal chick, that’s the hour (or three) of prayer, so I was already wide awake when he began to tell me...

The Quarantine Diaries: 20/20

It seems pretty prophetic, to me, that this is the year 2020.  The year when our vision hopefully clarifies.  Nothing like a good ol’ worldwide upheaval to bring a little clarity! Right now, we are being stripped off all the superficial, all that we have...

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