Hi, I’m Space.
I’m a lady who has found God’s smile in the cracks and crevices of life, in both trenches and mountains, in the vast expanse and the miniscule details… In amoebas and galaxies! And I’ve seen His majesty in the mundane! One cannot contain such joy… so I write to share my glee.

I am a mosaic, shards of broken clay transformed into a glorious piece of art. I once was a renegade, running away from a Holy God. A shattered woman in the desert heat of Sychar. A woman drug from adultery’s bed into the public square. A harlot in a Pharisee’s house. But Jesus is so tender towards those laden with shame.
And He is so lavish with His affection! The wake of my prodigal years taught me that. I used to think God was distant and disenchanted. That He would like me more if I performed better. In the shattering, I discovered the God of the Cross: the God who adores and embraces the outcast, Who gave His very blood as a ransom to restore what was ruined in Eden, where shame entered and communion was destroyed. I have found intimacy with the Bridegroom at the foot of His cross, the place where God’s justice and mercy collide!
If you want to know a little more of my story, you can scroll down to the About page, and I will elaborate. If you want to know a lot more, please make sure you sign up for my email list, where I aspire to inspire others to swell with delight in Jesus, and grow deep roots in their understanding of His grace and beauty.