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The God Who Disciplines and Delights in Us.

The God Who Disciplines and Delights in Us.

I have been thinking a lot about parenting.  And about God.  Because God is in everything, and my mind loves to fly to Him. I have been contemplating how good parenting is a symbiotic relationship between discipline and delight.  Because God is a God who disciplines...
Solomon’s Wisdom

Solomon’s Wisdom

I have been reading Solomon’s story for the past few days.  There is much to be said about how his father, David, seemed to provoke his son towards wisdom by pointing it out where he saw it in him (1 Kings 2:6 and 9).  What a lesson for us, as parents, to point...

Suicide Prevention

Suicide struck close to home last week.  It’s not only my story to tell, and I’m not even sure I am ready to tell it even if it was, but if you are a pray-er, please lift us up, along with a host of our loved ones. This agonizing death has caused me to...

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