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The Year of Jubilee

In Leviticus 25 (you know, the book of the Bible that even Christians tend to avoid reading), there is this pretty strange passage about how the Jews were commanded to give their land (and themselves) rest from pruning and tending every 7 years, and simply trust God...

The Writer

I’ve always been a writer. I sort-of think writing saved my life, in high school, when I couldn’t bear to live, so I escaped into my own imaginary world of written word, where I could delve into my own adventures, even though I was literally on house...

Russia Speak

I just found out that there is a law going into effect on 7/20/16 (not quite a week and a half from now) that Russian Christians are no longer allowed to share their faith anywhere other than state-sanctioned church buildings.  Not even their own home. The next step...

The Receiving End

I sometimes, like many (maybe most) others, find myself having to learn the same lessons over and over and over again.  This morning proved that statement true. One of those solid lessons that I perpetually must allow myself to marinate in, is the lesson of receiving...

The Legacy and Majesty of Grace

On the drive to school today, Forest (who is about to graduate high school in a couple weeks) said to me “I just don’t understand why some people think of God as an angry judge”.  I almost wept.  I would have, except that I was driving and it...

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