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Talents and Treasure

I tried to get my words to come clear, above the choking tears that threatened to torrentially downpour out of my eye-spigots. It’s a hard thing to communicate when you feel, deeply, as though your heart is splitting open as you speak. I was relating to the...


*I know this is a lot. Please read all the way to the end! In Ancient Israel, the Lord set watchmen on the walls of the city. If any dangers were seen on the horizon, it was the watchman’s job to warn the city. If they failed to warn the city, the blood of all...

Pandemic Humbling

I just realized that, when I began writing this book (the one I’ve barely looked at since February), I knew there was too much pride involved, but also that the Lord was going to use the journey to demolish my pride (maybe not all of it, but at least a good...

Vision #1

I don’t post a lot of visions or dreams publicly. Partially, because I don’t want to promote the idea that you can neglect your Bible and God will still speak to you (if you aren’t grounded in the Word and are having dreams and visions, it’s...

How Can a Good God Allow Suffering?

A friend just asked me the age old question, “How can a good God allow suffering?”  She asked it in slightly different words, but it was the same question it’s always been.  I have heard it asked a million times over.  Now, this friend has a right to...

The Finale

“All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you...

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