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Who I am Becoming

Who I am Becoming

I think a lot about practicing who I want to become. You can see it on elderly faces… the deeply etched lines of complaining or gratitude.  The naturally formed smile, practiced over decades of a life.  But it’s not only smiling or frowning, complaining or...
Once A Room 3 Kid

Once A Room 3 Kid

There’s someone I’ve wanted to introduce you to for awhile now, and tonight seems like just the night to do so.  Her name is Mrs. Ahner (sounds like “honor” which seems pretty fitting to me).  She was my second grade teacher.  We are still...


I am reading and reeling.  One, small verse in 1 John and I see nearly my entire book summarized.  Because this is the power of God’s Word vs. man’s words.  His words pack punch! 1 John 2:28 says “And now, little children, abide in Him, so that when He appears we may...

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