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The Longing

“As the deer pants for the water brooks, So my soul pants for You, O God, My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.  My soul thirsts for God, for the living God; When shall I come and appear before God? My tears have been my food day and night, While they say...

The Fight for Joy

I’ve been kinda silent on here for a little while.  The truth is, I had nothing to say, because this blog is sort-of like a light post for me.  As I see a little further down the road, I’m happy to show what I see to others and hope that they will join...

Have We Become Spoiled?

Church, This address is to you.  I love you.  Jesus loves you so much He died for you (and me). But have we become like spoiled children, who own all things and yet take them for granted?  Have we forgotten that our purchase was made by Someone else’s...

On Isolation in Suffering

Lately (and by lately I mean at least a year) I’ve been really struggling with a lot of depression.  It gets worse sometimes, like once a month when my body decides that it hates me for not being pregnant or nursing still and will avenge itself by throwing my...

The Gracious Eldest

I have a man-child that lives with me… barely.  In one year, our relationship will make it’s greatest transition since his birth. Today was his first day of his senior year!  He is so old! The morning was so beautiful!  There was this majestic fog hovering...

The Jesus Culture

Smiles had a vision recently.  In it, he was looking through the eyes of someone seeking after God.  In the distance, he noticed a cross and it appealed to him.  He began moving towards it, when suddenly, violently, a church building dropped out of the sky, blocking...

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