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The latest from my blog

I write on all sorts of topics such as Celebration & Wonder, Community & Discipleship, Intimacy with Christ, and Redemption & Grace. I share my random thoughts in Miscellaneous Musings.

I’m glad you’ve joined me!

A Poem For the Igniting And Ignited

A Poem For the Igniting And Ignited

I have known too many people, afraid to trust the goodness of God because of suffering. They have never tasted the goodness of God IN their suffering! I have known too many, who doubt and deny the supremacy of Scripture. They have never creased the Spine and felt the...

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The Mind-Numbing and the Soul-Satisfying

I've been feeling convicted lately that my coping mechanisms for overwhelm are not actually helping me.  They are mind-numbing rather than restful.  Oftentimes, after a long work day, or a mentally exhausting day, my body is worn out, my mind is worn out, but I'm not...

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The Sight of Ramsina

The Sight of Ramsina

The day I gave birth to our second son, I met a blind lady named Ramsina.  She came to our church for the first and last time that day, and spent the entire afternoon, from the close of service until around 8 pm (when he breathed oxygen for the first time) praying...

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The God Who Disciplines and Delights in Us.

The God Who Disciplines and Delights in Us.

I have been thinking a lot about parenting.  And about God.  Because God is in everything, and my mind loves to fly to Him. I have been contemplating how good parenting is a symbiotic relationship between discipline and delight.  Because God is a God who disciplines...

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Suicide Prevention

Suicide struck close to home last week.  It's not only my story to tell, and I'm not even sure I am ready to tell it even if it was, but if you are a pray-er, please lift us up, along with a host of our loved ones. This agonizing death has caused me to ponder my own...

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God’s Money and Stuff

God’s Money and Stuff

I think most young Christians struggle with the idea of the tithe.  We feel a little like God is prying our clutched fingers off our stuff, or like the church is bleeding us for money. Eventually, we may decide that tithing is a matter of trusting, and ultimately God...

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On Overcoming Bitterness

On Overcoming Bitterness

Do you remember the play/movie “Little Shop of Horrors”? If I remember correctly (it’s been a few decades since I’ve seen it), there was a man who owned a Venus Fly Trap, and had to keep murdering people to keep his plant fed. The plant consumed his life and all his...

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