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I write on all sorts of topics such as Celebration & Wonder, Community & Discipleship, Intimacy with Christ, and Redemption & Grace. I share my random thoughts in Miscellaneous Musings.

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A Cross and a Tomb

A Cross and a Tomb

It is almost unbearable to rehash the story of Christ's death.  Even after decades of reading this story, I instinctually groan when the chief priests and the Pharisees called Him "that deceiver" (Matthew 27:63).  Because it's such a blasphemous lie!  It is nearly...

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Memorize Beauty

Memorize Beauty

I am fasting right now.  I almost didn't write this post, because fasting is such a personal thing, and usually meant to stay between a girl (or guy) and her God, but in this case, it's at the spark that ignited these thoughts, so it must be said.  Back to where I...

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We know a secret.  Once the shame is abolished, and we have remained awhile,  basking in His Presence, enjoying His Word, delighting in His creation, practicing stillness, we begin to comprehend just how lovely He is.  We begin to memorize the lilt in His voice, and the etches of His smile.  Our shame had prevented us from looking boldly into His face, but with the shame gone, we begin to turn our gaze upward and find He is unfathomably gorgeous! Abiding gets easier as we practice, because we who once rushed away, are now captivated by His beauty and kindness!

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Like Harriet Tubman

Like Harriet Tubman

I have fought that demon “Shame” in much fiercer battles in my own life than most will ever have to.  Knowing shame’s weak spots and the power of the cross is something of a super power.  It is my super power, and my responsibility to, like Harriet Tubman, use the bondage of my history to lead others to freedom.

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Timeless or Trendy?

Timeless or Trendy?

As a writer, I am continuously bombarded, or rather stampeded, by the nagging voice from without and within.  "Build your email list!" it says, "Build your email list!"  This voice is like standing at the base of Kilimanjaro, with only 3 steps behind me and a million...

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The Often-Overlooked Sadducees

The Often-Overlooked Sadducees

It intrigues me, how the Bible talks of two groups of people who were the religious zealots of Christ's day, but we usually only focus on one.  The Pharisees.  How few of us ever even consider the Sadducees?  I know I am guilty of such an overlook.  Recently it...

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Romans 8:26-30

Romans 8:26-30

"In the same way the Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words; and He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He intercedes for...

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