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The latest from my blog

I write on all sorts of topics such as Celebration & Wonder, Community & Discipleship, Intimacy with Christ, and Redemption & Grace. I share my random thoughts in Miscellaneous Musings.

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God’s Money and Stuff

God’s Money and Stuff

I think most young Christians struggle with the idea of the tithe.  We feel a little like God is prying our clutched fingers off our stuff, or like the church is bleeding us for money. Eventually, we may decide that tithing is a matter of trusting, and ultimately God...

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On Overcoming Bitterness

On Overcoming Bitterness

Do you remember the play/movie “Little Shop of Horrors”? If I remember correctly (it’s been a few decades since I’ve seen it), there was a man who owned a Venus Fly Trap, and had to keep murdering people to keep his plant fed. The plant consumed his life and all his...

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Squatting with Kids

Squatting with Kids

They were coming to Him for relationship, rather than to capitalize on the Healer and Miracle-worker.  They wanted to crawl into His lap and hear His blessing spoken into their ear.

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Who I am Becoming

Who I am Becoming

I think a lot about practicing who I want to become. You can see it on elderly faces... the deeply etched lines of complaining or gratitude.  The naturally formed smile, practiced over decades of a life.  But it's not only smiling or frowning, complaining or giving...

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Communion Precedes the Tithe

Communion Precedes the Tithe

I peered over the pages of a well-worn story, noticing something I'd previously overlooked. Genesis 14 is the first encounter we have of one of Scripture's most puzzling characters, Melchizedek.  In Hebrews, He is expounded upon, and sounds something like God...

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Once A Room 3 Kid

Once A Room 3 Kid

There's someone I've wanted to introduce you to for awhile now, and tonight seems like just the night to do so.  Her name is Mrs. Ahner (sounds like "honor" which seems pretty fitting to me).  She was my second grade teacher.  We are still friends!  I have aged quite...

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If you live with your hands open, you will not cling too tightly to what you have, so you will be free to give it away, but you are also opening your hands to the blessings God wants to pour into them.

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